Tuesday, 25 December 2012


My Ministry Trip to Gujarat!

Greetings in the precious name of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ!

Here I want to share few lines about how God was working through my ministry in the past days. I am amazed to see at God's abundant of Grace which was bestowed among many individuals through the ministry of the word in Gujarat. I could say it is not because of me but by His grace alone. When our ministry is totally surrendered upon His will and guidance, it is He who presents the greatest gift of salvation to souls who are perishing in sin, and a proper guidance to be equipped in the fundamental truths of the bible in the Lord's harvest field. My main motto is "to accurately handle the word of truth" so that trained disciples of Jesus Christ will be shining for God's glory in today's and tomorrow's ministry.  Praise the Lord!

By the grace of God I am what I am! I request all readers to continuously uphold our ministry in your prayers so that the Lord may perform great wonders as faithful men and women be blessed with the word of God through the activities of Jeevandhara mission in India and its neighboring countries. Here are some pictures taken in Gujarat for the glory of God.

Thank you so much for taking interest of looking into my blog. Please join your hands with me for ministry. As Godly people lets be committed to the great commission. Pray for us continuously. Thank you so much! God bless you all.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. Thank you very much.

Bro. Jeevanantham
Jeevandhara Mission
Post box No. 18
Kotagiri, The Nilgiris District
Tamil Nadu, South India.
Office: 0091-4266-271315
Mobile: 0091-9715411315
E-mail: jeevandharamission@gmail.com

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