Tuesday, 15 January 2013




The birth day of the church was on the day of Pentecost after the Lord’s ascension. They were the people who united to Christ by the Holy Spirit to live an outstanding example for others. But the church, till this time, is persecuted by many denominations with false teachings and worldly things. From the early church to the present day church, many changes and politics have been taken in the church.

The Early Church

“The ancient church was distinguished for strict discipline. Previous to Constantine the great, this discipline rested on purely moral sanctions and has nothing to do with civil constraints and punishments.”[1] The dignity and purity of the church was built upon the object of the discipline. The New Testament church was an example to progress in virtue and piety and was against apostasy.[2] The essential mark of the Church of Christ was holiness like unity and catholicity or universality.[3] Although Christians were persecuted by others in an attempt to stop the movement, the great commission could be fulfilled by ministering in the spirit and preaching the sound doctrines. Because they knew that persecution purifies the church and pushes her to accomplish God’s purpose.[4] Despite facing the persecutions, their motive was to evangelize, and loving each other.

“And when they had preached the gospel to that city and made many disciples, they returned to Lystra, Iconium and Antioch, strengthening the souls of the disciples, exhorting them to continue in the faith, and saying, we must through many tribulations enter the Kingdom of God” (Act 14:21-22 NKJV). “Paul and Barnabas also remained in Antioch, teaching and preaching the Word of the Lord, with many others also” (Act 15:35 NKJV). The church involved in evangelism and edification.

Religious Battles of the Church

The early church not only faced with physical battles but also with religious battles doctrinally to such as Judaism, Ebionism, Marcionism, Montanism, Monarchianism, Manichaeism and Gnosticsm.


“Christianity was a clear-cut religion distinct from Judaism with already an extensive history of its own.”[5] The Jewish religious leaders always were to destroy the Christian community.[6] Judaism was full of false doctrines and meaningless religious ritual. It emphasizes the Sabbath observance and keeping of the Mosaic Law as means of demonstrating one’s righteousness.[7]

Ebionism (130-135 A.D.)

This movement sought to reconnect Judaism and Christianity. It was a sort of rebirth of the issue settled at the Jerusalem Council in 49 A.D.[8] Their radical belief is that obedience to Mosaic Law was required for salvation, and Jesus became divine at his baptism.[9]


This movement began in Rome 140 A.D. by a man Marcion.[10] He thought the Jewish God of the Old Testament was different than Christian God of the New Testament.[11] He put Christianity into a radical conflict with all previous relations of God. Even in worship, he retained the sacramental bread, water baptism, anointing with oil, and the mixture of milk and honey given to the newly baptized. But he excluded wine from the Eucharist.[12] He taught that Christ had no real body since the body is evil, and denied the bodily resurrection. He rejected the entire Old Testament and some books of the New Testament with the alteration of the New Testament Canon.[13]

Montanism (155 A.D.)

“Montanism was not originally, a departure from the faith. But it was a morbid overstraining of the practical morality and discipline of the early church.”[14] The founder of the Montanism taught himself as Holy Spirit, and was still giving new revelation.[15] He encourages speaking in tongues for all Christians. His teachings were “Carnal” (spiritually immature). “This was the 2nd Century ‘Charismatic movement’ to reactive the apostolic spiritual gifts and revives the dead.”[16]


This heretical movement was established around 200 A.D. by Paul of Samosata in Antioch.[17] The apostasies of this group were centered on denying the deity of the Christ as well as the doctrine of trinity.[18]

Manichaeism (215-277 A.D.)

“The Manicheans rejected the Old Testament and treated the New Testament in the most arbitrary way, rejecting whatever seemed unfavorable their views, and maintaining that even the apostles did not fully understand Christ.”[19] Through their teachings “sacerdotalism or the belief that ministers of religion are intermediaries between God and man possessing by virtue of their office, extra ordinary power with God.”[20] As the result of this sacardotalism, the doctrine of indulgence was introduced in the church, and Augustine the greatest of the Latin Fathers had connected with Manicheans and was influenced.[21] They teach “that Christ’s body was not real,”[22] and strongly affirmed that “asceticism (self denial) characterized the sect as they considered many normal bodily functions like sex and appetite to be evil.”[23] “Manichaeism emphasized the superiority of the unmarried state.”[24]

Gnosticism (2nd / 3rd Century)

They are the people an early form of a false philosophy/religion of the Greeks known as Gnosticism. Not emphasizing faith but knowledge was their motive. They denied totally the humanity of Jesus Christ, and asserted that the body is evil.[25]

The author says, such many groups of cults were exalting and spreading their philosophical heresies and theological errors, during the early church period. Such apostasies arose for defiling and spoiling the church. But, there was a sound doctrine. So the genuine believers were so against such false teachings, and grew in Christianity. They did overcome the religious battles doctrinally.

The Roman Catholic Church

Many people converted into Christianity, as Christians preached good news everywhere. So the Idolaters of the Roman Empire got very much angry, and said that Christians were traitors. Frequently Christians were persecuted by many emperors of Rome. Thousands of Christians were killed - many were crucified. There were sewn up in the skins of animals and put out to be eaten by wild beasts and lions, while the people watched. Some were tossed by wild bulls. Some were tied to horses and pulled to pieces. Others were burnt to death. Despite all these persecutions the church was doing her work so rapidly throughout the world. Christians felt that it was great honor to be a martyr for Christ. So they refused to worship the idols. By looking Christian’s patience and love, many turned to Christ. To say that, really persecutions helped Christians to spread the Gospel.

Constantine (274-337)

In the year 312 A.D., Constantine became the Emperor of Rome. He had a vision of a cross in the sky with the words “in this sign conquer” in Latin. Meanwhile he went and battled with his enemies at the battle of the Milvian Bridge over the Tiber River. He got the victory there and thought that the church might serve as a new center of unity.[26] He also decided to make Christianity the official religion of the empire.[27] He made the Sunday ‘a public holiday’. He wanted to make the world Christian but he made the church was like the world.[28] He was baptized before his death.

Augustine (354 – 430)

In 373, Augustine adopted Manichaean teaching in his research for the truth. He wrote lot of theological treatises, several practical and pastoral letters. Among all these values, he brought some errors into the stream of Christian thought.[29] He developed the doctrine of purgatory with all its attendant evil and emphasized that the doctrine of baptismal regeneration.[30]

Politics and Cults involved

Pope Leo, the first who lived in 400 A.D. – 460 A.D. taught the people that Peter was the head for all apostles.[31] So he said that Peter came Rome and was the first Pope.[32]

The Bishop of Rome inherited the place of Peter. Many clergies and monks lived Godless lives, during these times. “At one time there were three bad women who made their companions in adultery to be popes.”[33]

After the Constantine, Christianity became more and more institutionalized, and secularized religion. Paganism involved in Christianity. Mariolatry and hagiolatry (worship of saints) were observed in Christian liturgy. As they change their life styles, hierarchical development also was stimulated. Bishops, who had gained supremacy over presbyters, became uniformly and entirely supreme after the union. Such ecclesiastical hierarchy has led into counterpart of the civil government.[34]

In the early church, Sunday was devoted to the commemoration of the savior’s resurrection and as the day of thanksgiving. When the festivals of Mary, the apostles, saints and martyrs followed gradually, then the holy day changed into holiday. Saints have overshadowed the Lord, and saint’s days overshadowed the Lord’s Day.[35]

The Roman Church bishops had absolute supremacy over all churches. “The church became a persecuting power, making use of the civil authority for the suppression of dissent and paganism.”[36] The Apostolic doctrines were destroyed and introduced new types of apostasies and heresies.[37]

“The church has persecuted Christians for more cruelly, and has destroyed vastly more Christians than pagan have done. The Diocletian persecution is as nothing when compared with the work of the Holy Office.”[38] The church has obeyed for all the papacy’s activities because of the ignorance of the God’s Word.

Many priests lived in open sin and kept concubines. Bishops failed to supervise the clergy in a biblical way. Many clergies neglected for preaching and house visitation.[39] The sale of indulgence was introduced. The purpose of introducing indulgence was for maximizing the wealth in the church and to build St. Peter’s Cathedral in Rome. Indulgence was associated with the sacrament of penance. The absolution for the gullible Christians was given by the professional pardoners on the payment of money.[40] People thought that through getting the sale of indulgence, there was temporal satisfaction either in this life or purgatory. Money charged for the absolved sinners, due to their wealth position but a king should pay more than three hundred dollars for his indulgence.[41]

There were conflicts between two Popes (1378-1416 A.D.), Clement VII (French Papacy), Urban VI (Roman Papacy). This bitter issue was brought to a universal council in 1409 A.D. at (Pisa) Italy. This council rejected these two Popes and elected a new Pope Alexander V. Now there are three Popes. After five years by 1417 A.D., the issue settled basically and Martin V was officially recognized as Pope by the Church Council of Constance. It made a number of discussions that condemned the teachings of John Wycliffe and burned John Hus.[42]

The Reformation

This was the right time for the reformation of the church. Martin Luther angered because of Papacy’s introducing of the sale of indulgence. It was Luther’s famous protest in the ninety five theses against the abuse of the indulgence, which resulted in the reformation. On October 31, 1517, Luther posted his ninety five theses on the door of the Castle Church in Wittenberg. He condemned the abuses of indulgence and challenged all of them to debate on the matter.[43]

The State of Today’s Church

So, what is the condition of the church today? The church is influenced by Rationalism, Liberalism, Pentecostalism, Materialism and rise of new cults.

Many people arose and asserted their principles in the modern churches. They are arguing that Bible is not true. Some of them began to teach their personal experience with God, not the Word of God.

Liberal theology is denying the inerrancy of the Bible, the virgin birth of Jesus and the bodily resurrection of Christ.[44] Prosperity theology which advocates healthy and wealthy Gospel “as being guaranteed to the believer by virtue of atonement.”[45] Kenneth Copland, Jim baker, and others have promoted prosperity theology. The Pentecostal movement started by Charles Parham in Bethel Bible College at Kansas in the early 20th Century. The impact of this group spread everywhere. They are called as Assemblies of God and also the Church of God. Pentecostalism teaches to get belief in glossolalia (speaking in tongues), miracles, healings and prophecy.[46]

New Age Movement

Its doctrines are “mixture of pantheism, humanism, holistic medicine and eastern mysticism (Hindu-reincarnation).”[47] It teaches all religions are true and there is no single way to God. This new age movement is a very popular in America.[48] “It is an ultimate form of pantheistic humanism which exalts man and denies the biblical revelation about God.”[49]

Ecumenical Movement

This group accepts different views of doctrine. In 1908, Federal Council of Churches (FCC) was started by thirty one American denominational groups. Because of its liberal theology, most conservative churches did not join with them. But in 1950, it became a larger National Council of Churches (NCC). Many Protestant organizational groups joined with them, and in 1948, thus got the title the “World Council Churches” (WCC) in Amsterdam, Holland.[50] Their main aim is to form the world churches into one unity with false doctrines. It is very sad to say that many theologians, and so called Christian denominations, joined with them. They didn’t realize that “the organizational unity can never replace spiritual unity in the church and basic agreement on areas of doctrine and practice.”[51] For making union among Christians, “A number of non-theological factors have played their part in this development.”[52] The spirit of ecumenism spread everywhere and so defiled the church.

Many movements arose in the latest centuries thus led the church away from God and toward humanism. It has changed from Bible centered authority to man centered authority. “In modern times the tendency of the church, Romanist and Protest alike, has been toward social regeneration and a form of Christian socialism.”[53] Really, the church has corrupted herself by the false doctrines.


There are many clergies not obeying God’s Word but still they are doing something without purpose. Many believers charge many faults against clergies. Many clergies are very weak in preaching God’s Word. Not interpreting the Word of God accurately by doing contextual, syntactical, verbal, historical and theological analysis. Expounding the truths of His word became tiresome work for the clergies. A very few clergies of this time, are spending their time genuinely in preparing God’s Word to expose the truth to the people. Whenever they go to pulpit, there should be preparation in all things before participation. There are many clergies preaching without preparation. Instead of God’s Word, there will be more funny stories.

There is also a problem in the church about offerings. It is an obligation for every believers of the church to give offerings to the church. Nevertheless, the congregation of the church is very much taught and forced only by offerings. No preaching about holiness and eternal blessings but about the prosperity and materialism. Clergy is always visiting a rich church believer, frequently for prayer because he gets often money there. Clergy is ministering homes only where the covers are given. The motivation and destination of the church has been changed. There is no care about poor people but about prosperity. So the congregation rise the voice against such fraudulent money making business. The church of this age also introduces new, new types of offerings such as Harvest offering, Christmas offering, Carol offering, old year offering, new year offering, birth day offering, death day offering, rice offering, dhal offering, coconut offering, potato offering, etc.

Some clergies involves in political things, morally loosing their personal testimony is a great sad thing. In many C.S.I. churches, bishops are not living an outstanding example to others, thus led the church to blood shed and legislation. There are many charges against clergy, morally and publicly.

Exploitation of Superstitions

In these Centuries, Church plans also reflect the difference in Christian worship. As the result of this, the church likes only the outward experience not inwardly. All night prayers, fasting prayers were introduced. Everywhere miracle crusades and fanfare have started. Many people became superstitious, even the educated people. At this time, Superstitious belief is strong among people who have little or no education. Ladies ministries were encouraged. Oil blessing and cloth anointing became very famous and blessed water is given to the participants of the meeting. Vomiting ministry and walking prayer ministry has been begun instead of preaching and teaching the word. Here the question should be asked that “Is this the church which Jesus intended to establish in the world?”

Many began to reveal themselves as saints by saying that “I went heaven and met Moses and Paul, we, altogether had dinner”. There are many gullible Christians to believe this because of their ignorance of God’s Word. In many foreign countries, superstitious beliefs followed, and still following. Even in India, the famous speaker D.G.S. Dinakaran introduced a new ridicules superstitious belief that is “the secret about a smallest Golden key”. Whoever gets the golden key by paying two lacks rupees, they will prosper. So many people bought the key for blessing. “How Christians are becoming foolish people,” because they never read Bible. The main reason for the growth of superstitions is ignorance of His Word. A few months ago, in Pappanaickenpalayam (Coimbatore District, Tamil Nadu), there was a pastor who tried to revive his brother’s dead body. He continuously was praying for 100 days, but no miracle. Finally, he was arrested by police. There are many incidents arising in this world like this every day, because there is no sound doctrine. The church really needs a true awakening today. The newly recruited people to ministry, should be clearly taught and observed by well experienced and faithful ministers of God. A special attention should be given to recruited person and he should be taught with ‘what Christ’s mind involves in church ministry?’

Pentecostalism believes in dancing spirit, blowing the spirit to others, laying hands and falling down. Now there are many preachers announces a new form of TV club membership, young partner team. People, who join either in the club or team by paying thousands of rupees, will be remembered in the powerful Holy man’s prayer. Lot of Christians believes this and has joined.

The zeal of early church has been destroyed throughout the years by false heresies. So, “The church today desperately needs to rekindle the passion of first century evangelism. The Bible can only be effective when in contact with the human heart.”[54] Today’s church should be realized that the early “church won the Roman Empire from heathenism to Christianity.”[55] The motivation of “the reformation was with efforts to purify and reorganize the church”[56] not to grow in superstitions.

Finally,The question must be asked " Why the churches of this time is forgetting New Testament Gospel Ministry and going after superstitions?" More accurate answer is that God's Word is nullified. Is that not ringing in your ears My friend?


[1] Philip Schaff, History of the Christian Church, Vol. 2, (U.S.A.: Hendrickson, 1996), p. 187.

[2] Schaff, History of the Christian Church, Vol. 1, p. 501.

[3] Ibid, p. 501.

[4] Dennis J. Mock, Church History Survey, (Atlanta: Zondervan, 1989), Pp. 46-52.

[5] Adrin Hastings, A World History of Christianity, (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1999), p. 7.

[6] Mock, Church History Survey, p. 45.

[7] Ibid, p. 33.

[8] Mock, Church History Survey, p. 60.

[9] Ibid, p. 60.

[10] Ibid, p. 61.

[11] Ibid, p. 61.

[12] Schaff, History of the Christian Church, Vol. 2, Pp. 483-486.

[13] Mock, The Church History Survey, Pp. 61-62.

[14] Schaff, History of the Christian Church, Vol. 2, p. 417.

[15] Mock, The Church History Survey, p. 61.

[16] Ibid, p. 61.

[17] Ibid, p. 62.

[18] Earle. E. Cairns, Christianity through the Centuries, (Grand Rapids: Academic, 1982), Pp. 102-103.

[19] Albert Henry Newman, A Manual of Church History Vol. 1, (U.S.A.: Judson, 1953), p. 197.

[20] Ibid, p. 197.

[21] Ibid, p. 197.

[22] Mock, The Church History Survey, p. 62.

[23] Mock, The Church History Survey, p.62.

[24] Cairns, Christianity through the Centuries, p. 100.

[25] Mock, The Church History Survey, p. 50.

[26] Cairns, Christianity Through the Centuries, p. 124.

[27] A.E. Horton, The Church age, (Hong Kong: Everplay, 1988), p. 18.

[28] Ibid, p. 18.

[29] Cairns, Christianity through Centuries, Pp. 146-449.

[30] Ibid, p. 449.

[31] Horton, The Church Age, p. 19.

[32] Ibid, p. 19.

[33] Ibid, Pp. 19-26.

[34] Newman, A Manual of Church History Vol. 1, Pp. 313-314.

[35] Schaff, History of the Christian Church Vol. 1, p. 480.

[36] Newman, A Manual of Church History Vol. 1, p. 315.

[37] Ibid, p. 316.

[38] Ibid, p. 316.

[39] Cairns, Christianity through the Centuries, p. 281.

[40] Ibid, p. 282.

[41] Ibid, Pp. 282-283.

[42] Mock, Church History Survey, p. 145.

[43] Cairns, Christianity through the Centuries, p.290.

[44] Mock, Church History Survey, p. 307.

[45] Ibid, p. 308.

[46] Mock, Church History Survey, Pp. 299-300.

[47] Ibid, p. 309.

[48] Ibid, p.309.

[49] Ibid, p. 309.

[50] Ibid, Pp. 302-303.

[51] Mock, Church History Survey, p. 304.

[52] Bernard Lambert, Ecumenism Theology and History, Translated by Lancelot C. Sheppard, (West Germany: Herder KG, 1967), p. 250.

[53] Archibald B.D. Alexander, Christianity and Ethics, (New York: Charles Scribener’s Sons, 1923), p. 242.

[54] B.K. Pramanik, “The incomparable Word of God”, Sowing Circle, Vol. 21, No. 2, May-Aug. 2006, p. 22.

[55] Jesse Lyman Hurlbut, Hurlbut’s Story of the Christian Church, (Chicago: The John C. Winston, 1918), p. 182.

[56] Ibid, p. 182.

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